When the pool water begins to boil in the Valley, my family seeks cooler weather. We hop in the Ford Flex, which my husband incessantly calls a mini-van to annoy me, and hit the road. He's a pre-planner. He tries to think of every possible thing we might be doing, like to do, or someday, encounter in a zombie apocalypse and pack accordingly. Me, on the other hand, I'm a free spirit. My biological parents may very well be Sonny and Cher. As an event producer, I plan 24/7. So when it comes to my personal life, I like to operate in cruise control.
THE BEST PART of summer is family time! My husband is off, my kids are home from school, and we have the freedom to do as we please between events. My husband and kids kicked off the summer without me this year, with a trip to Williams, AZ. Most people know Williams as it's home to the Grand Canyon Railroad. My in-laws have property there, and we visit it regularly. My husband has a huge family. They all go there to camp, hunt, fish, ATV, shoot guns, build campfires, and do all things manly like scratch and spit. I am NOT a camper. I've tried it multiple times and am convinced that the word camp in it's original cave painting form was depicted by several flames representing hell. Perhaps I am too high-maintenance to enjoy it? Once my kids and husband returned from the Wilderness, we drove to Balboa Island off Newport Beach in California. I had a luxury car auction to run, and my family spent time at the beach for a few days. The beach is so wonderful. It's one of the few places in nature that I can soak in for days. The waves are relaxing, the surfers are entertaining, and as my sweet daughter innocently pointed out, one of the few places you can see abs in real life (outside of movies)! The joy my kids had playing in the sand, watching the waves inch closer and closer, was incomparable. It warms my heart and brings an immediate smile to my face just thinking about it. Because we're adrenaline junkies, we committed to visit four major California attractions in our last four days here. I'm going to tell you all about that in my next column. And you know, we have to visit the Midwest again. My daughter believes it is the actually the happiest place on earth! Watch out Disney! Not to mention that I still haven't told you about how I met the Vice President. Yes, THE Vice President of the United States. So much to share! Until next time, go make memories with your family! It's the greatest adventure you'll have this summer!
It’s a new year! Can you believe it? The older I get, the more the days meld together. Work, cook, clean (don’t hold this article too close…lightning may strike), laundry, chauffeur the kids, homework, church, sleep, rinse, repeat. BUT… it’s a NEW YEAR!
Yes, I understand. A day is a day. We could make some grandiose decision that will change our lives any time we like. There is something special about each January though. Be it symbolic or be it a true shift in the tide, we expect change at the time. Anticipation of the unknown draws us in and a new hope is birthed. For all of the geek-wives out there, this was a subtle Star Wars reference. My husband will be SO proud. Speaking of my husband, many moons ago, we had been dating for several months. One day, out of the blue, he went insane and dumped me. Now, I may have added in the insane part, but this is my version of the story, so it’s my truth! I was broken hearted, but made sure not to let him know. I was and am an independent, fabulous woman! We were coworkers, so we had to see each other on a daily basis. A couple of months later, he pulled me aside and asked me out again. Being the ever-forgiving person that I am, I told him I didn’t like him, that I wasn’t even friends with him, so heck – no! He was charmingly persistent and eventually wooed me back into his arms. Almost immediately thereafter, we were engaged. We’ve been happily married for over twelve years now. After we reunited, I remember asking him what made him decide I was the one. He said he was speaking with his mom about his life and his future. During the conversation, his mom suggested that he write down a list of everything he wanted in a wife. While writing that list, he had an epiphany. He thought, “I know this person!” Isn’t that super romantic!?! It makes me smile every time I think about it. From that moment, he determined to win me back. In your list of goals for this year, what epiphany is staring you in the face? Most of our goals are completely attainable: be healthy, be a better spouse, stop smoking, spend time with family, spend less money. You KNOW how to execute. You just need to commit and realize it! Trust me, this commitment can be the best thing that ever happened to you! My husband is a treasure that I thank God for every day! You CAN do it! I believe in you! Remember, with God all things are possible! What was the BEST gift you ever received for Christmas? Think about it for a minute or two. So many years, so many gifts. What stands out? I’m a Christmas baby. My birthday and Christmas are only separated by two days. This can be a great thing or a horrible thing. On one hand, you get birthday presents wrapped in leftover Christmas wrapping paper, gifts that are often re-gifted, and no one can come for a party because of family traditions or traveling. On the other hand, some people combine the two celebrations into one massive gift that you would never receive under any other circumstance.
My parents always tried to do the latter. One year, I received a king sized platform bed. I was in high school, and it was perfect as it gave me the opportunity to transform my bedroom into my own living space below the bed. I was extremely popular and often had many guests over… Kelly, Zach, Jessie, Lisa, Slater. Oh wait. Those were Saved by the Bell characters. Perhaps I was popular in my dreams? Another memorable gift I received was a new-to-me car. This beauty was a silver Mercury Capri convertible, that due to being a uni-body involved in a collision, had been totaled by insurance. With a salvage title, and the generosity of the prior owners who were family friends, my parents were able to swing the surprise. Because of the collision it was involved in, the car came with front body damage. But, based on my dad’s lack of mechanical skills, combined with his gift for creativity – he ordered a car bra that completely hid all of the damage! I was shocked when they took me to the garage to reveal the BIG gift! I remember cruisin’ my neighborhood with the convertible top down, leather coat and gloves on, with the heater going full blast. It was December, but I didn’t care! Backstreet Boys songs were loudly playing from the CD player, which was often interrupted by the grinding noise and sudden jerking of the car. I may or may not have been ignorant when it came to this silly little thing called a clutch. It’s fun to recollect about gifts that were/are meaningful. As you hustle and bustle about this season shopping for that perfect present – remember the most important one: Jesus. He was sent to give the world hope and peace. I pray that you welcome Him into your home and experience this hope and peace firsthand! “So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David’s town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant. While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.” At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.” – Luke 2:5-14 (The Message) It’s after sunset and my mom just got off of work. She and my dad load up the car with our overnight bag and we make the hour and a half drive to my Grandma and Grandpa Hatfield’s. Yes, those Hatfields. (I, my friends, am a direct descendant from the infamous Hatfields of the Hatfields and McCoys. Oh the stories I could tell…I’ll save those for another time!) Other family members were also sleeping over, so we’d open up the pull out sofa, lay down, and try to go to sleep. In the morning, we woke bright and early from the bustle in the kitchen, which was only a few feet away from the living room. Thanksgiving brought a new spring in our step! Well…we walked with a limp because the dreaded bar in the pull out sofa messed up our back! But, hey – it’s a spring, nonetheless! We ate breakfast, typically cinnamon rolls. Lord knows you need to fuel yourself for all of the eating that’s about to take place on this holiest of turkey days. Around noon, we’d eat the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, egg noodles (it’s a Midwest thing!), sweet corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, rolls, and more!
Once we were in that great food comma, and all of the dishes were washed, we grabbed another set of pre-made dishes and made our way over to Great Grandma and Grandpa Eggleston’s house. Their house was always crammed with people. When you walked in, you were greeted with a brass oil lamp. It was intoxicating to watch! Uncle Max was always asleep in the back room in a recliner, where a police scanner was on 24/7. In all the years we went there, I honestly can’t ever remember Uncle Max being awake! Cousin Kevin, a giant and former NFL player, would be laying on the living room floor watching whatever game was on. We’d all thank God for elastic waist pants being in style, and muster up the fake excitement of having Thanksgiving dinner because we were “starving.” Same gigantic spread as the first meal and seconds were encouraged by Great Grandma! It was at that time, we said goodbye to the Hatfields and Egglestons and departed to our third stop – Grandma and Grandpa Cooper’s. Now, my Grandma Cooper was known as Grandma to EVERYONE in their town. She always had people stopping by to visit. Their house was a hub for entertainment. When you arrived, there was an enclosed porch that you walked through to get to the front door. On that porch there were two very large deep freezers, which on Thanksgiving Day were topped with every single pie you could possibly find. You know all of those recipes on Pinterest for pies? They probably came from my Grandma. No joke, there were at least a dozen pies, not to mention all of those gross “salads”. You know what I’m talking about: macaroni salad, potato salad, jello and marshmallow salad, pistachio salad. A definite, Jimmy Fallon EWW! moment. Once you made it inside to the kitchen, the counters were filled with more side dishes. On to the dining room, that held an extra-long dining room table with multiple leaves inserted. This table was completely swarmed with every food you could possibly want for the holidays. The mashed potatoes were in a full pan with two large sticks of butter slowly melting to form a pond. This is where I felt the calling to the medical field and healthy eating. You didn’t actually believe that did you? This is where we dove in, eating Thanksgiving dinner for the “first time that year” and made Grandma and Grandpa feel extra special! It's not about the food you eat. It’s not about how many times you eat it. Thanksgiving is about making memories. It’s about family. It’s about recognizing your many blessings from a God who loves you! I pray your holiday season kicks off with crazy memories that will last a life time! I cherish mine! Note: Come meet me and get your holiday shopping underway at Front Porch Pickins Vintage & Handmade Market November 17th & 18th at Turf Paradise in Phoenix! Over 150 vendors selling all things shabby chic, rusty, vintage, farmhouse, mid-century, handcrafted, in addition to the valley’s best food trucks and a classic car show. Learn more at FrontPorchPickins.com. “’Cause meanwhile back at Mama's, the porch lights on, come on in if you wanna” – Tim McGraw9/28/2017 Every year our family does our best to visit Grandma during the summer. There’s something thrilling about piling our belongings and our kids into our car, traveling 1500 miles cross-country – which includes driving through New Mexico (by the way- we counted… for hours… we only saw SEVEN trees! SEVEN!?!), and enjoying each other’s company for a straight 26 hours. Suddenly the ’57 Buick Century Caballero station wagon, and kids in the back makes perfect sense. Parents, must have been on a road trip and wanted their children as far away as possible! Perhaps the safety experts are wrong. It WAS in the youngsters’ best interest to ride that way. Ha! Are we insane for these large treks? Quite possibly. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
What’s so special about Grandma’s house, you ask? First off, whether you’re a five-year-old or middle-aged, everyone appreciates Grandma’s spoilin’ & cooking. 100% homemade. 100% delicious. Crispy, golden fried chicken, mashed potatoes with a butter pond, peppered gravy, sweet corn fresh off the cobb, perfectly browned rolls. It doesn’t get better! Secondly, she reminds you to “eat the frog”. If you’re unfamiliar with that term, it was coined by Mark Twain in reference to prioritizing things that you’d rather avoid doing. Dishes were done immediately following a meal. Laundry was done as soon as showers were completed. Cleaning was sprinkled in during traditional “down-time”. Surprisingly, this workflow decreased the dread of chores and became more of a team-effort. Lastly, family came first. We all believe and purpose this for our lives. It’s a simple statement that most of our hearts desire. With the hustle and bustle of life, work, volunteer commitments, extra-curricular activities, and the tiredness that comes from it all, we are often detoured from that creed. At Grandma’s, the TV doesn’t go on until the evening, solely to catch up on world events via the news. Instead, we spent most evenings fishing, playing card games, or just sitting around the kitchen table talking. It’s such a simple concept, to put authentic family-time first. Why do we make it so difficult on ourselves to do so? While returning home, I mentioned to my husband that visiting this small town (population 1,800), showed me that we can do life better. As a die-hard lover of all things vintage, returning to a simpler way of life is welcomed! Join me by pulling out a board game or card game, shutting off the tv, and interacting with your family sometime this week. They say God works in mysterious ways. If you’ve ever questioned that to be true, let me confirm that for you today! Just last week, I was reminded of this in the oddest of ways. I’m a mom of two children, one of whom is autistic. It seems that autism awareness is everywhere these days. If you don’t know someone personally with autism, you likely have learned a little about it through television shows, blog posts, non-profit organizations, etc. A relevant term you’ll often hear is “the spectrum.” This is an accurate phrase, as one child with autism is often not like the next. My son is very successful at some things that other autistic kids struggle with. He can speak. He is potty trained. However, there are truly random things that cause him to have a meltdown. Everything in life must pause, as his mind obsesses over whatever has upset him. For example, he loves to swim, but a sprinkle of unexpected water from a mister line causes him to panic like a victim in a horror film.
As long as I can remember, he has hated any food that is chilled. He wants everything prepared luke warm or hot. It’s not a life-changing issue, but it’s one of those things that causes him not to fit into societal norms. While we celebrate individuality, a parent never wants their kids to be left out in life. Inclusion is important at some level. I recall my son getting off the bus one day and telling me it was “the WORST day ever!” He had thrown up at school because he had gotten “so sick!” The cause of his sickness? His instructors had made him taste ice cream. Fast-forward to last week. Out of nowhere, my son asked for a popsicle. His dad and I both looked at each other in shock. We were convinced he wouldn’t eat it, but was solely asking because the packing was Despicable Me minions. We decided to appease him and opened one, waiting for the freak-out. The next ten seconds filled me with such joy as a mom. The simple pleasure of watching my son enjoy a popsicle for the first time. It literally was a miracle, folks! As a special needs parent, you learn to celebrate the little victories. They ARE important! This was HUGE for our family! I wanted to whisk my son up in my arms and twirl him around in celebration. (I didn’t…because he likely would have screamed at me to stop! LOL hey, this is real life! We know not to disrupt their routines! All special needs parents say an enthusiastic “Amen!”) The Bible says God is “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” We pray daily for our children. The popsicle is an answer to prayer. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down by the can’ts, don’ts, and whys of life. Focus on your blessings! What small thing in your life can you celebrate today? Note: Because I have a special needs son, I do my best to be home as often as possible. As a result, I started my own business several years ago. You can come meet me in person at our next show! I’d love to connect with you and learn about YOUR everyday miracles! The event details: Front Porch Pickins Vintage & Handmade Market October 13th & 14th at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park in Chandler! Over 100 vendors selling all things shabby chic, rusty, vintage, farmhouse, mid-century, handcrafted, in addition to the valley’s best food trucks and a classic car show. Learn more at FrontPorchPickins.com “Cause meanwhile back at Mama's, the porch lights on, come on in if you wanna” – Tim McGraw8/4/2017 ![]() Every year our family does our best to visit Grandma during the summer. There’s something thrilling about piling our belongings and our kids into our car, traveling 1500 miles cross-country – which includes driving through New Mexico (by the way- we counted… for hours… we only saw SEVEN trees! SEVEN!?!), and enjoying each other’s company for a straight 26 hours. Suddenly the ’57 Buick Century Caballero station wagon, and kids in the back makes perfect sense. Parents, must have been on a road trip and wanted their children as far away as possible! Perhaps the safety experts are wrong. It WAS in the youngsters’ best interest to ride that way. Ha! Are we insane for these large treks? Quite possibly. Is it worth it? Absolutely. What’s so special about Grandma’s house, you ask? First off, whether you’re a five-year-old or middle-aged, everyone appreciates Grandma’s spoilin’ & cooking. 100% homemade. 100% delicious. Crispy, golden fried chicken, mashed potatoes with a butter pond, peppered gravy, sweet corn fresh off the cobb, perfectly browned rolls. It doesn’t get better! Secondly, she reminds you to “eat the frog”. If you’re unfamiliar with that term, it was coined by Mark Twain in reference to prioritizing things that you’d rather avoid doing. Dishes were done immediately following a meal. Laundry was done as soon as showers were completed. Cleaning was sprinkled in during traditional “down-time”. Surprisingly, this workflow decreased the dread of chores and became more of a team-effort. Lastly, family came first. We all believe and purpose this for our lives. It’s a simple statement that most of our hearts desire. With the hustle and bustle of life, work, volunteer commitments, extra-curricular activities, and the tiredness that comes from it all, we are often detoured from that creed. At Grandma’s, the TV doesn’t go on until the evening, solely to catch up on world events via the news. Instead, we spent most evenings fishing, playing card games, or just sitting around the kitchen table talking. It’s such a simple concept, to put authentic family-time first. Why do we make it so difficult on ourselves to do so? While returning home, I mentioned to my husband that visiting this small town (population 1,800), showed me that we can do life better. As a die-hard lover of all things vintage, returning to a simpler way of life is welcomed! Join me by pulling out a board game or card game, shutting off the tv, and interacting with your family sometime this week. |
Desiree' ByrneDesiree' is the executive event producer for Street Market. Her writing is dedicated to all things related to country living, home décor, travel and events, family, faith, and more. Check out her column in Arizona Real Country Magazine. Archives
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